Once a friend who visited Addis Ababa after a long stay of abroad told me that this city is more attractive viewed from the top. I was curious by his remark and went around all the possible viewpoints of the City. After a while, I concur 100% with his selection of the top three viewpoints.

1. The Bellevue Hotel
The hotel is located at the Center of Megenagna Diaspora Avenue by the Yeka hills. Bellevue is A well-constructed hotel showing the entire Megenagna and half of Addis Ababa, even just from the Lobby. When you go up to the bar which is at the 7th floor, you have a more spectacular view of the City and specially the hustle and bustle of the one of the busiest city centers, Megenagna. You will get to see Addis Ababa’s buildings, streets and the chaotic movements of people/commerce from a peaceful setting
2. The Revolving Restaurant, InterContinental Hotel
Revolving?! In Addis Ababa?! Well, I am pretty sure the name itself gave you what this place is like. Yup It revolves .It does revolve and it is the first in Africa. Revolving is located at Kasanchis close to the Economic Commission For Africa, which is one of the main business centers in Addis Ababa.
The restaurant is located on the 13th floor of the new InterContinental building (the old one is just a across the street).
It revolves 360 degrees within 55 minutes showing a panorama of Addis Ababa. This place is like watching the city move from above but this time you don’t necessarily have to move around to get different views. The view comes to you while you are just going about your business of just relaxing and kicking it. Revolving is better experienced after dusk
3. Entoto Mountain
This one has little bit different experience than the above. Mount Entoto is the highest peak overlooking Addis Ababa giving you a 100 % view of the city. It reaches 3,200 meters above sea level. It provides for the most refreshing view of Addis Ababa, since you will be surrounded by nature. And one of the best things about this place is that you don’t have to go out of the city if you are looking for a quiet and no chaos zone. It is merely a 30-minute drive from the center of Addis Ababa, Piassa. Grab your wine bottle, picnic basket and a sweater/jacket (the attitude is higher and thus does get colder there) and enjoy the breathtaking views, especially at sunset. The view is better during early morning and later afternoon to evening.